E-Commerce SEO: How does it work and help your online business?

February 3, 2022Published By: Relevant Audience
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There are various methods for online retail stores to reach the widest audience and make as many sales as possible. However, it could prove difficult for entrepreneurs or retailers to enter the highly competitive market of today. 

Of course, as an entrepreneur, you could start by making a few marketing efforts such as social media marketing, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok ads. Contrary to the marketing efforts, it would cost you more money, and the results could only last a few months, or until you don’t have any more budget.

Did you know? A long-lasting and more efficient way of gaining organic traffic to your site is through E-commerce SEO

What Is SEO for E-Commerce?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for e-commerce is a strategy that helps your website gain more traffic by increasing the visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs), especially on the 1st page. When people search for products that you sell, you want to rank as highly as possible, so you acquire more traffic and be noticed.

You can get traffic from paid search or search marketing, but SEO costs much less and gives your e-commerce site optimized results.     

What does SEO entail?

Optimizing your website for search engines usually involves on-page optimizations such as 

  • Navigational structure for user experience
  • Internal link building
  • Inserting metadata
  • Creating unique blogs or articles

Off-page optimizations such as creating backlinks and other complex technical details best left the experts.

What are the benefits of E-Commerce SEO?

There are numerous benefits of an e-commerce SEO tactic. Here are the top benefits:

1.Improve User Experience

Customer experience is one of the strongest e-commerce trends in 2022. If your SEO keywords are targeting the right audience and able to solve their queries, Google will see that as a positive experience and improve your ranking.

2.Expanding Your Reach

As said, E-commerce SEO helps drive more traffic to your website. More people will learn about your brand organically. You can then reach out to them again through a remarketing campaign.

3.Increase Brand Awareness

You can optimize your e-commerce site with no marketing or advertising costs. If you’re optimizing your SEO rankings, try to get your site on Google’s answer box. Being on Google’s answer box can bring in more clicks, higher website traffic, and increased brand awareness.

The Challenge of E-Commerce SEO

With the benefits of SEO for e-commerce comes the challenge as well. Here are some of the biggest obstacles when optimizing your website for search engines:

  • Content Lacks Quality One of the crucial parts most e-commerce miss is the “content,” especially the quality. Your product description or blog cannot just be copy-pasted. Your sites need quality, original content to attract the audience and appeal to the search engine’s algorithm.
  • Difficult Technical Setup There are countless technical details to look at when doing SEO. From things like HTTPS, mobile-friendliness, page speed, indexation, XML sitemap, etc. If you are unfamiliar with these topics, it is best to let the professional handle them, such as a marketing agency with the White hat SEO service and a specialist team.

To Sum Up…

E-commerce SEO can provide your website with a higher organic traffic count, bring in more customers, and create brand awareness at a lesser cost. But with all these benefits, SEO also comes with its own challenges that are best left to the professionals.

Relevant Audience is a Digital Marketing & SEO Agency in Bangkok, Thailand. We can help your e-commerce business grow organically through SEO and other marketing efforts. With teams of experts in their respective fields, we can help you achieve your goals. 

Contact Relevant Audience, an energetic digital performance marketing agency in Thailand today!

Phone: 02-038-5055 

Email: Info@relevantaudience.com 

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