Be Quiet & Listen: Why Your Brand Should Use Social Listening

April 5, 2024Published By: Relevant Audience
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The simple act of listening may seem unusual in business today. With multiple channels for brands to constantly broadcast their marketing messages, there’s an undeniable compulsion to always be talking, promoting, selling.

But what if we told you the smartest brands have started turning that dynamic on its head? That by investing in earnest listening – absorbing the unfiltered voice of their customers and communities – they’re able to cultivate deeper relationships, mitigate potential crises, and even unearth transformative product and marketing insights?

Welcome to the rise of social listening, a discipline rapidly shifting from a niche tactic to an integral pillar of any comprehensive digital strategy. It represents the savviest brands pivoting from narcissistic self-promotion towards cultivating a more empathetic brand resonance in tune with their audience’s true wants and needs. 

And far from some fluffy PR exercise, social listening has evolved into an incredibly nuanced data mining practice – one that grants brands an unprecedented ability to extract predictive signals for iterating towards sustainable business growth. For brands both established and burgeoning to breakthrough resonance in Thailand, prioritizing social listening competencies is swiftly becoming an operational imperative.

Breaking Out of the Echo Chamber Trap

Despite their best intentions, it’s frighteningly easy for brands to become hopelessly insulated in self-perpetuating echo chambers. 

On the surface, they’re pumping out endless brand-sanctioned social posts, ads, emails, and promotions that all align with carefully (over)crafted messaging and positioning. Dig beneath that glossy exterior, though, and you’ll find an alarming truth: many brands are essentially just listening to themselves talk.  

The consequences of not listening as a brand are numerous:

  • Product and service disconnects from real customer needs
  • Misalignment between brand identity and shifting cultural norms
  • Tone-deaf marketing missteps and PR disasters
  • Dilution of brand equity and trust over time

The list goes on, but the end result is the same: mounting existential threats to your long-term viability that stem from a dangerous lack of external truth serum. Escaping the gravitational pull of your echo chamber by learning to genuinely listen anew becomes paramount.

Fortunately, modern social media has equipped brands with a direct line to unadulterated feedback, sentiments, and behaviors from customers that circumvents those traditional rings of controllable channels. People are sharing a wealth of raw, vivid insights about their needs, preferences, struggles, and more from the frontlines of digital life – all you have to do is commit to listening.

But listening to the unvarnished voice of the public isn’t always easy. It means ingesting the occasional harsh criticism, bizarre fringe perspectives, surprising shifts in tone, all in perpetual real-time. You have to develop a certain level of openness and vulnerability as a brand.

The payoff, however, is priceless: curated streams of invaluable voice-of-customer data that is truly change-agent fuel for evolving your entire business with an empathetic, out-of-echo-chamber mindset.

The Core Pillars of Social Listening

While the concept of simply “listening online” feels straightforward on the surface, seasoned social listening practitioners will be quick to point out that the practice involves artfully balancing a number of nuanced disciplines.

When executed in full, social listening graduates from an ad-hoc effort into a robust data mining operation that equips brands with a comprehensive knowledge base for driving real impact. Here’s a quick breakdown of the core competencies involved in achieving advanced social listening maturity:

Monitoring vs. Listening

These terms may sound synonymous, but there’s an important distinction. Monitoring represents casual observance of chatter, overhearing conversations. True listening is active and purposeful – you’re not just ingesting online mentions, you’re critically processing that feedback to extract meaning, apply context, then synthesize insights to act upon. It’s a level of analytical rigor every brand needs to instill.

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Structured vs. Unstructured Listening

On the structured side, sophisticated listening programs establish universal taxonomies and classification systems for sorting, labeling, and grouping social insights into functional data repositories. This allows clean analysis and querying for rapid response, reporting, and measurement of core branded listening metrics.

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Unstructured listening, on the other hand, necessitates more ad-hoc processes for discovering new subcultures, sentiment shifts, and contextual signals hiding in the noise. Creativity, curiosity, and ingenuity reign supreme as analysts hunt for the unexpected insights that spark disruptive new ideas.

Combining Both Automated and Human Elements

Automated listening tools and social media command centers are phenomenal for monitoring public brand/product perception and immediately escalating hot crises at scale. Humans, however, remain indispensable for holistically making sense of context, tone, and the deeper meaning behind online rumblings.

Establish integrated workflows where smart technologies offload routine listening work while elevating potential areas of interest for your expert analysts to dissect and socialize internally. AI is an aid for human-driven output, not a wholesale replacement.

Tying Social Data to Business Impact

The ultimate benchmark of an optimized social listening program is its ability to consistently spur meaningful change across your business. Mere aperture into conversational dynamics doesn’t cut it – those insights need to be continually operationalized into more intelligent product roadmaps, better-segmented audiences, futureproofed risk mitigation plans, and empathy-driven brand experiences.

Integrated listening programs, capable of bridging structured/unstructured insights with the full range of business units and functional org charts, is where the real brand transformation potential lives.

Applying Hyper-Localized Social Listening Expertise in Thailand

For brands operating in Thailand’s rich digital culture, adopting advanced social listening capabilities may seem like an insurmountable hurdle. Beyond ensuring comprehensive monitoring of dominant global platforms like Facebook, Twitter X, and YouTube, there’s also the need to extend hyper-localized coverage across natively massive networks like LINE, Pantip, Dek-D, and Sanook.

This deep multilingual complexity is precisely why the insight playbooks from legacy brands in the west don’t directly translate to the Thai landscape. Experienced social analysts able to immerse themselves in regional conditions, customs, dialects, and subcultures while rigorously extracting relevance from high volumes of unstructured data are in high demand.  

That’s where enlisting the services of seasoned localized social listening partners and practitioners (such as Relevant Audience) proves invaluable. Rather than attempting to retrofit a one-size-fits-all solution to the unique dynamics of Thailand’s digital universe, savvy brands are teaming up with firms born and bred in this sphere. Partners that combine dedicated social listening acumen with profound understanding of the Kingdom’s cultural intricacies.

With localized listening mastered, brands can develop a holistic listening pipeline that stretches from detecting early traces of isolated blips and microtrends through to full-blown national conversation tracking across the multitude of online networks in play. You’re equipped to extract the precise insights required to fuel real-time responsiveness and long-term strategy adaptation tailored perfectly to consumer realities across the region.

By Being Quiet and Listening, You’ll Hear What Really Matters  

Social listening represents so much more than a cursory tactic for monitoring online brand mentions and stringing vanity metrics into reports. It’s an increasingly indispensable scientific method for humanizing your brand by centering its entire strategy, product, and marketing approach around developing radical empathy for your customers.

Only by actively listening – and consistently extracting meaning from the full spectrum of structured feedback to unearthed insights in unstructured spheres – can brands transcend outdated mindsets about being the loudest voice in the room. You cultivate an ability to join the right conversations through enlightened, trust-building experiences.

If you would like some help to develop an elevated listening strategy for your brand, get in touch with our expert team at Relevant Audience.